博士,教授,博导,广东省过敏反应与免疫重点实验室主任,变态反应国家临床重点专科副主任,国际生命科学学会蛋白质过敏原性委员会委员,2015年入选广州市高层次卫生人才医学重点人才,Journal of Immunotherapy Applications等国际期刊编委,7本SCI杂志常年审稿专家。
主要从事变态反应发病机制研究。开发了过敏原家族特征肽AFFP算法解析过敏原,籍此建立的过敏原序列判别软件SORTALLER准确性最高,被美英德法日等全球30多个国家持续应用;提出主要代表性过敏原、抗原性弱化等概念及抗原平衡刺激假说,深入过敏性疾病预防理论与实践;主编《Allergy Bioinformatics》英文专著2015年11月在Springer出版后,相关章节已经被下载3600多次。获得广东省科技奖二等奖及广州市科技奖一等奖各1项(均排名第一)。
Ailin TAO is a Professor at Guangzhou Medical University, Executing vice-Director of Sino-French Hoffmann Institute, Director of Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Allergy & Clinical Immunology, Principal Investigator of the State Key Laboratory of Respiratory Disease, Deputy Director of the State Key Clinical Specialty in Allergy of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University, Member of the State Committee for Transgenic Safety Assessment, Standing Committee Member of Allergy Branch of Guangdong Medical Association, Member of Guangdong Provincial Committee for Transgenic Safety Assessment.
Prof. Ailin TAO earned his doctorate degree from the State Key Laboratory of Crop Genetic Improvement of Huazhong Agricultural University in 2002, followed by a postdoctoral training at Postdoctoral Station of Basic Medicine in Shantou University Medical College, majoring in allergen proteins. His most recent research focuses on the diagnosis of allergic disease and the medical evaluation of food and drug allergenicity and its modification. Prof. TAO has now constructed a system for the prediction, quantitative assessment and simultaneous modification of epitope allergenicity, which has been applied to more than 20 major representative allergens. He proposed some new concepts including “Representative Major Allergens”, “Allergenicity Attenuation” of immunotoxin and allergens, “broad-spectrum immunomodulator” as well as the theoretical hypothesis of “Balanced Stimulation by Whole Antigens”. He also developed a bioinformatics software program for allergen epitope prediction, SORTALLER (http://sortaller.gzhmu.edu.cn), which performed significantly better than other existing software, reaching a perfect balance of high specificity (98.4%) and sensitivity (98.6%) for discriminating allergenic proteins from several independent datasets of protein sequences of diverse sources, with the Matthews correlation coefficient as high as 0.970. The software has been frequently used by researchers from many institutions in China and over 30 countries worldwide, thus becoming the number one allergen epitope prediction software program. Prof TAO has set up an allergen database ALLERGENIA (http://ALLERGENIA.gzhmu.edu.cn) that has several advantages over other databases such as a wide selection of non-redundant allergens, excellent astringency and accuracy, and friendly and usable analytical functions.