
胡龙波,男,理学博士,硕士生导师。本科及硕士毕业于武汉大学,博士毕业于中国科学院大学,2017年加入广州医科大学霍夫曼免疫研究所工作。2019年入选广州市高层次人才,曾主持国家自然科学基金一项,广东省自然科学基金两项,中国博士后科学基金一项。担任Antiviral Research审稿人并获得2018年度ELSEVIER审稿人杰出贡献奖。已在Antiviral Research,Journal of Virology, Hepatology, Scientific Report等国际期刊发表SCI论文13篇。
Longbo Hu,obtained his bachelor`s and master`s degree in virology from Wuhan University and his PhD from the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences. In 2017, he completed his post-doctoral training and then joined the Sino-France Hoffmann Institute of Guangzhou Medical University. In 2019, he was selected as a Guangzhou high-level talent. He was supported by a few grants, including one National Natural Science Foundation of China, two Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province, and one China Postdoctoral Science Foundation. He is Antiviral Research reviewer and awarded 2018 Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing award. He has published 13 scientific papers in international journals including Antiviral Research,Journal of Virology, Hepatology, Scientific Report.
Research Interests:
l To identify novel antiviral drug targets through deciphering virus-host interaction;
l To discovery new antiviral candidates through high throughput screening
代表性论文(Selected publications)
1. Hu L, Li J., Cai H, Yao W, Xiao J, Li Y, Qiu X, Xia H, & Peng T, 2017 Avasimibe: a novel hepatitis C virus inhibitor that targets the assembly of infectious viral particles. Antiviral Research 148:5-14.
2. Hu L, Yao W, Wang F, Rong X, Peng T. 2014. GP73 is upregulated by hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection and enhances HCV secretion. PLoS ONE 9:e90553.
3. Hu L, Li L, Xie H, Gu Y, Peng T. 2011. The Golgi localization of GOLPH2 (GP73/GOLM1) is determined by the transmembrane and cytoplamic sequences. PLoS ONE 6:e28207.
4. Hu L, Wang Z, Hu C, Liu X, Yao L, Li W, Qi Y. 2005. Inhibition of Measles virus multiplication in cell culture by RNA interference. Acta virologica 49:227-234.
5. Cai, H., Yao, W., Li, L., Li, X., Hu, L., Mai, R., Peng, T., 2016. Cell-death-inducing DFFA-like Effector B Contributes to the Assembly of Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) Particles and Interacts with HCV NS5A. Scientific reports 6, 27778.
6. Yao W, Cai H, Li X, Li T, Hu L, Peng T. 2014. Endoplasmic reticulum stress links hepatitis C virus RNA replication to wild-type PGC-1alpha/liver-specific PGC-1alpha upregulation. Journal of virology 88:8361-8374.
7. Zhao Q, Peng L, Huang W, Li Q, Pei Y, Yuan P, Zheng L, Zhang Y, Deng J, Zhong C, Hu B, Ding H, Fang W, Li R, Liao Q, Lin C, Deng W, Yan H, Hou J, Wu Q, Xu T, Liu J, Hu L, Peng T, Chen S, Lai KN, Yuen MF, Wang Y, Maini MK, Li C, Li M, Wang J, Zhang X, Sham PC, Gao ZL. 2012. Rare inborn errors associated with chronic hepatitis B virus infection. Hepatology 56:1661-1670.