Jean-Luc Imler 教授,博士生导师,法国科学院分子细胞生物学研究所所长,法国享受盛誉的法国科学院银质奖章获得者,国家"高等学校学科创新引智计划" (简称"111计划") 项目的法方核心成员之一,获得2015年法国研究所基金会雅菲奖,中法霍夫曼免疫研究所果蝇抗病毒天然免疫课题组长。Jean-Luc Imler 教授1994年进入法国国家科学研究院分子生物细胞研究所工作至今。曾任法国国家科学院评审团成员,2013年出任UPR9022研究中心主任,2018年成为分子生物细胞研究所所长。
Jean-Luc Imler教授是果蝇抗病毒免疫研究的重要开拓者,对该领域做出了一系列原创性的贡献:1)首次在果蝇中揭示RNAi是广谱的抗病毒机制(Galiana-Arnoux et al, 2006, Nature Immunol;Mueller et al, 2010, PNAS;Kemp et al, 2013, J Immunol);2)发现宿主因子RACK1和钾离子通道等果蝇和人类病毒感染中的作用(Eleftherianos et al , 2011,PNAS;Majzoub et al, 2014, Cell);3)诱导性的抗病毒信号通路,包括Jak-STAT在抵抗果蝇病毒感染的作用Dostert et al, 2005, Nature Immunol; Deddouche et al, 2008, Nature Immunol ; Lamiable et al , 2016, PNAS ; Goto et al, 2018, Immunity)。首次揭示果蝇中cGLR1/2-cGAMP-STING信号通路识别病毒感染及其机制,改变了以往认为RNA干扰是果蝇唯一广谱抗病毒机制的认识(Hua et al,2020, Sci Signal; Andreas, et al,Nature,2021; Slavik, Nature, 2021)。截止目前,已在Nature,Cell,Nature Immunology,Immunity,Nature Genetics,PNAS,Journal of immunology,Journal of virology等权威杂志发表论文87篇。担任Nature Reviews Immunology, Nature Immunol., Immunity, Current Opinion journals等期刊审稿人。在国际会议上受邀做了100多次汇报。目前结合遗传学,高通量测序和成像技术研究新的抗病毒机制。多次组织国际性会议,包括Integrated insect immunology和controlling infections等。
Prof. Jean-Luc Imler, PhD supervisor, Director of the Institute of Molecular Cell Biology of the French Academy of Sciences, recipient of the Silver Medal of the French Academy of Sciences, one of the core members of the National Program for the Introduction of Innovation in Higher Education (111 Program), recipient of the 2015 Jaffe Prize of the French Research Foundation, Director of the Drosophila Antiviral Natural Immunity Group of the Hoffmann Institute of Immunology in France and China. Prof. Jean-Luc Imler joined the Institute of Molecular Biology and Cellular Research of the Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique (INRS) in 1994 and has been working there since then. He was a member of the jury of the French National Academy of Sciences, became Director of the UPR 9022 Research Center in 2013 and Director of the Institute for Molecular Biology and Cellular Research in 2018.
Prof. Jean-Luc Imler is an important pioneer in the study of antiviral immunity in Drosophila and has made a series of original contributions to the field: 1) first revealing in Drosophila that RNAi is a broad-spectrum antiviral mechanism (Galiana-Arnoux et al, 2006, Nature Immunol; Mueller et al, 2010, PNAS; Kemp et al, 2013, J Immunol); 2) discovery of a role for host factor RACK1 and potassium channels in Drosophila and human viral infections (Eleftherianos et al , 2011,PNAS; Majzoub et al, 2014, Cell); 3) inducible antiviral signaling pathways, including Jak-STAT in resistance to Drosophila virus infection Dostert et al, 2005, Nature Immunol; Deddouche et al, 2008, Nature Immunol ; Lamiable et al , 2016, PNAS ; Goto et al, 2018, Immunity) . The cGLR1/2-cGAMP-STING signaling pathway in Drosophila was revealed for the first time to recognize viral infection and its mechanism, changing the previous understanding that RNA interference is the only broad-spectrum antiviral mechanism in Drosophila (Hua et al, 2020, Sci Signal; Andreas, et al, Nature, 2021; Slavik, Nature , 2021). Up to now, he has published 87 papers in prestigious journals such as Nature, Cell, Nature Immunology, Immunity, Nature Genetics, PNAS, Journal of immunology, and Journal of virology. He is a reviewer for Nature Reviews Immunology, Nature Immunol., Immunity, Current Opinion journals and other journals. He has been invited to give more than 100 presentations at international conferences. He is currently working on novel antiviral mechanisms combining genetics, high-throughput sequencing and imaging technologies. He has organized several international conferences including Integrated insect immunology and controlling infections.
1. Hua Cai, Carine Meignin, Jean-Luc Imler; cGAS-like receptor-mediated immunity: the in sect perspective, Current Opinion in Immunology, 2022, 74: 183-189.
2. Andreas Holleufer, Kasper Grønbjerg Winther, Hans Henrik Gad, Xianlong Ai, Yuqiang Chen, Lihua Li, Ziming Wei, Huimin Deng, Jiyong Liu, Ninna Ahlmann Frederiksen, Bine Simonsen, Line Lykke Andersen, Karin Kleigrewe, Louise Dalskov, Andreas Pichlmair, Hua Cai, Jean-Luc Imler, Rune Hartmann; Two cGAS-like receptors induce Sting-dependent antiviral immunity in Drosophila melanogaster, Nature, 2021 Sep; 597(7874):114-118.
3. Slavik KM, Morehouse BR, Ragucci AE, Zhou W, Ai X, Chen Y, Li L, Wei Z, Bähre H, König M, Seifert R, Cai H, Imler JL, Kranzusch P*. cGAS-like receptors control RNA sensing and 3’2’-cGAMP antiviral signaling in Drosophila. Nature, 2021 Sep;597(7874):109-113.
4. Hua Cai, Jean-Luc Imler*. cGAS-STING: insight on the evolution of a primordial antiviral signaling cassette. Faculty Reviews, 2021, 10: (54).
5. Pennemann FL, Mussabekova A, Urban C, Stukalov A, Andersen LL, Grass V, Lavacca TM, Holze C, Oubraham L, Benamrouche Y, Girardi E, Boulos RE, Hartmann R, Superti-Furga G, Habjan M, Imler JL, Meignin C, Pichlmair A. Cross-species analysis of viral nucleic acid interacting proteins identifies TAOKs as innate immune regulators. Nat Commun. 2021 Dec 1;12(1):7009.
6. Schneider J, Imler JL*. Sensing and signalling viral infection in drosophila. Dev Comp Immunol. 2021 Apr;117:103985. Epub 2020 Dec 23.
7. Hua Cai, Andreas Holleufer, Bine Simonsen, Juliette Schneider, Aurélie Lemoine, Hans Henrik Gad, Jingxian Huang, Jieqing Huang, Di Chen, Tao Peng, João T Marques, Rune Hartmann, Nelson E Martins, Jean-Luc Imler; 2 ' 3 '-cGAMP triggers a STING- and NF-κB-dependent broad antiviral response in Drosophila, Science Signaling, 2020, 13(660): eabc4537.
8. Goto A#*, Okado K#, Martins N, Cai H, Barbier V, Lamiable O, Troxler L, Santiago E, Kuhn L, Paik D, Silverman N, Holleufer A, Hartmann R, Liu J, Peng T, Hoffmann JA, Meignin C, Daeffler L, Imler JL*. The Kinase IKKβ Regulates a STING- and NF-κB-Dependent Antiviral Response Pathway in Drosophila. Immunity. 2020 Jan 14;52(1):200.
9. Lamiable O, Kellenberger C, Kemp C, Troxler L, Pelte N, Boutros M, Marques JT, Daeffler L, Hoffmann JA, Roussel A & Imler JL (2016) “Cytokine Diedel and a viral homologue suppress deleterious IMDdependent gene expression in Drosophila” Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 113: 698-703.
10. Majzoub K, Hafirassou ML, Meignin C, Goto A, Marzi S, Fedorova A, Verdier Y, Vinh J, Hoffmann JA, Martin F, Baumert TF, Schuster C, Imler JL. RACK1 controls IRES-mediated translation of viruses. Cell. 2014 Nov 20;159(5):1086-1095.
11. Kemp C, Mueller S, Goto A, Barbier V, Paro S, Bonnay F, Dostert C, Troxler L, Hetru C, Meignin C, Pfeffer S, Hoffmann JA, Imler JL. Broad RNA interference-mediated antiviral immunity and virus-specific inducible responses in Drosophila. J Immunol. 2013 Jan 15;190(2):650-8.
12. Eleftherianos I, Won S, Chtarbanova S, Squiban B, Ocorr K, Bodmer R, Beutler B, Hoffmann JA, Imler JL. ATP-sensitive potassium channel (K(ATP))-dependent regulation of cardiotropic viral infections. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2011 Jul 19;108(29):12024-9.
13. Mueller S, Gausson V, Vodovar N, Deddouche S, Troxler L, Perot J, Pfeffer S, Hoffmann JA, Saleh MC, Imler JL. RNAi-mediated immunity provides strong protection against the negative-strand RNA vesicular stomatitis virus in Drosophila. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2010 Nov 9;107(45):19390-5.
14. Deddouche S, Matt N, Budd A, Mueller S, Kemp C, Galiana-Arnoux D, Dostert C, Antoniewski C, Hoffmann JA, Imler JL. The DExD/H-box helicase Dicer-2 mediates the induction of antiviral activity in drosophila. Nat Immunol. 2008 Dec;9(12):1425-32.
联系人: 蔡华