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发布时间:2024-08-30    浏览:




主持中国博士后科学基金特别资助项目、中国博士后科学基金面上项目、广州市科技计划项目、中山大学高校基本科研业务费-青年教师培育项目、广州医科大学科研能力提升项目,参与多项国家自然科学基金等。已在AutophagyCell Death & DifferentiationCell Reports等杂志发表学术论文26篇。


1. 病原微生物与天然免疫


2. 细胞自噬与抗病毒免疫


3. 炎症反应与肿瘤的发生发展



1. Weihong Xie#, Chenqiu Zhang#, Zheyu Wang, Hui Chen, Tonghui Gu, Tao Zhou, Yaoxing Wu, Fan Xia, Min Li, Jun Wang, Renjie Jiao, Jun Cui, Shouheng Jin. ATG4B antagonizes antiviral immunity by GABARAP-directed autophagic degradation of TBK1. Autophagy, 2023, 19(11):2853-2868.

2. Weihong Xie#, Shuo Tian#, Jiahui Yang#, Sihui Cai, Shouheng Jin, Tao Zhou, Yaoxing Wu, Zhiyun Chen, Yanqin Ji*, Jun Cui*. OTUD7B deubiquitinates SQSTM1/p62 and promotes IRF3 degradation to regulate antiviral immunity. Autophagy, 2022, 18(10):2288-2302.

3. Weihong Xie, Shouheng Jin, Chenqiu Zhang, Shuai Yang, Yaoxing Wu, Yong Zhao, Zhou Songyang, Jun Cui. Selective autophagy controls the stability of TBK1 via NEDD4 to balance host defense. Cell Death & Differentiation, 2022. 29: 40-53.

4. Weihong Xie#, Shouheng Jin#, Yaoxing Wu, Huifang Xian, Shuo Tian, Di-Ao Liu, Zhiyong Guo, Jun Cui. Auto-ubiquitination of NEDD4-1 recruits USP13 to facilitate autophagy through deubiquitinating VPS34. Cell Reports, 2020. 30(8):2807-2819.

5. Weihong Xie, Shouheng Jin*, Jun Cui*. The NEDD4-USP13 axis facilitates autophagy via deubiquitinating PIK3C3. Autophagy, 2020. 16(6):1150-1151

6. Dawei Li#, Weihong Xie#, Tingbin Hao, Jiaxi Cai, Tianbao Zhou, Srinivasan Balamurugan, Weidong Yang, Jiesheng Liu, Hongye Li. Constitutive and Chloroplast Targeted Expression of Acetyl-CoA Carboxylase in Oleaginous Microalgae Elevates Fatty Acid Biosynthesis. Marine Biotechnology, 2018, 20(5): 566-572

7. Weihong Xie#, Congcong Zhu#, Naisheng Zhang, Dawei Li,Weidong Yang, Jiesheng Liu, Hongye Li. Construction of novel chloroplast expression vector and development of high efficient and economical transformation system for diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum, Marine Biotechnology. 2014, 16(5): 538-546

8. Weihong Xie, Fei Pang, Yingfng Niu, Menghan Zhang, Weidong Yang, Jiesheng Liu, Daoguang Yan, Hongye Li. Functional characterization of an ACCase subunit from the diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum expressed in Escherichia coli. Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry, 2013, 60 (3): 330-335

9. Yaoxing Wu#, Ling Ma#, Sihui Cai#, Zhen Zhuang#, Zhiyao Zhao, Shouheng Jin, Weihong Xie, Lingli Zhou, Lei Zhang, Jincun Zhao*, Jun Cui*. RNA-induced liquid phase separation of SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid protein facilitates NF-κB hyper-activation and inflammation. Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy, 2021: 6(1):167

10. Shuo Tian#, Shouheng Jin#, Yaoxing Wu#, Tao Liu, Man Luo, Jiayu Ou, Weihong Xie, Jun Cui. High-throughput screening of functional deubiquitinating enzymes in autophagy. Autophagy, 2021: 17(6):1367-1378.

11. Qingxiang Liu#, Yaoxing Wu#, Yunfei Qin#, Jiajia Hu, Weihong Xie, F. Xiao-Feng Qin*, Jun Cui*. Broad and diverse mechanisms used by deubiquitinase family members in regulating the type I interferon signaling pathway during antiviral responses. Science Advances, 2018;4: eaar2824

12. Kunpeng Liu#, Chuanxia Zhang#, Bowen Li#, Weihong Xie, Jindong Zhang, Xichen Nie, Peng Tan, Limin Zheng, Song Wu*, Yunfei Qin*, Jun Cui* and Feng Zhi*. Mutual Stabilization between TRIM9 Short Isoform and MKK6 Potentiates p38 Signaling to Synergistically Suppress Glioblastoma Progression. Cell Reports, 2018; 23(3):838-851

13. Huifang Xian, Weihong Xie, Shuai Yang, Qingxiang Liu, Xiaojun Xia, Shouheng Jin,Tingzhe Sun*, Jun Cui*. Stratified ubiquitination of RIG-I creates robust immune response and induces selective gene expression. Science advances, 2017; 3: e1701764

14. Shouheng Jin, Shuo Tian, Man Luo, Weihong Xie, Tao Liu, Tianhao Duan, Yaoxing Wu, and Jun Cui. Tetherin Suppresses Type I Interferon Signaling by Targeting MAVS for NDP52-Mediated Selective Autophagic Degradation in Human Cells. Molecular Cell, 2017; 68(2):308-322.e4.

15. Yunfei Qin#, Qingxiang Liu#, Shuo Tian#, Weihong Xie, Jun Cui*, Rong-Fu Wang*. TRIM9 short isoform preferentially promotes DNA and RNA virus-induced production of type I interferon by recruiting GSK3 beta to TBK1. Cell Research, 2016, 26:613-628




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