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Jianming CHEN





Adjunct Professor of Sino-French Hoffmann Institute of Immunology, Professor and Deputy Director of Institute of Oceanography, Minjiang University. Dr. Chen got Ph.D in 2003 at University of Zurich and worked as Research Associate at Dept. of Immunology, The Scripps Research Institute from 2004 to 2008. From 2009 to 2017, he worked as a principle investigator at The Third Institute of Oceanography, State Oceanic Administration of China.





1) Evolution and adaptation of innate immunity signaling pathways;

 2) Marine bioactive products including nanobodies of Chondrichthyes and natural products from marine microbes.



1. Yao Y, Li X, Wang W, Liu Z, Chen J, Ding M, Huang X (2018) MRT, Functioning with NURF Complex, Regulates Lipid Droplet Size. Cell Rep. 24(11):2972-2984.

2. Wang W, Liao Y, Chen R, Hou Y, Ke W, Zhang B, Gao M, Shao Z, Chen J, Li F (2018) Chlorinated azaphilone pigments with antimicrobial and cytotoxic activities isolated from the deep sea derived fungus Chaetomium sp. NA-S01-R1.Mar Drugs. 16(2) pii: E61.

3. Liu G, Chen M, Yu C, Wang W, Yang L, Li Z, Wang W, Chen J (2017) Molecular cloning, characterization and functional analysis of a putative mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 4 (MEKK4) from blood clam Tegillarca granosa. Fish Shellfish Immunol. 66:372-381.

4. Pan C, Wang W, Yuan H, Yang L, Chen B, Li D, Chen J2017The immediate early protein WSV187 can influence viral replication via regulation of JAK/STAT pathway in Drosophila. Dev Comp Immunol. 72:89-96.

5. Li Z Hao Q, Luo JXiong J Zhang S, Wang T, Bai L, Wang W, Chen M, Wang W, Gu L, Lv KChen J. (2016) USP4 inhibits p53 and NF-κB through deubiquitinating and stabilizing HDAC2. Oncogene 35 (22):2902-2912.

6. Chen J, Xie C, Tian L, Hong L, Wu X and Han J (2010) The p38 pathway participates in Drosophila host defense against pathogenic bacteria and fungi. PNAS 107: 20774-20779.

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