
李孜教授(Zi Li)
李孜自1998年从南开大学七年制临床医学专业毕业、获得硕士学位后,即到广州医科大学工作。于2004年毕业于中山大学病原生物学专业,获得博士学位。2009年-2011年在美国博士后工作期间,分别在美国新墨西哥大学生物系从事曼氏血吸虫感染与宿主免疫研究、Lovelace呼吸病研究所从事肺癌转移分子机制研究。2011-2014年担任广州医科大学病原生物学与免疫学教研室主任;2013-2017年担任广州霍夫曼免疫研究所的副所长。2012年受聘为广州医科大学免疫学教授。她主要从事于组织型转谷氨酰胺酶与肝纤维化、肺癌转移及其他炎症性疾病的关系机制研究。现在,她是Dominique Ferrandon教授的Co-PI,负责将模式生物果蝇中发现的宿主-病原体互作机制研究转化到哺乳动物和人。
1) Franchet A, Niehus S, Caravello G, and Ferrandon D*. Phosphatidic acid as a limiting host metabolite for the proliferation of the microsporidium Tubulinosema ratisbonensis in Drosophila flies. Nature microbiology, 2019( 4):645–655.
2) Haller S, Franchet A, Hakkim A, Chen J, Drenkard E, Yu S, Schirmeier S, Li Z, Martins N, Ausubel FM, Liégeois S, Ferrandon D*. Quorum-sensing regulator RhlR but not its autoinducer RhlI enables Pseudomonas to evade opsonization. EMBO Rep. 2018 May;19(5). pii: e44880.
3) Wen Z, Ji X, Tang J, Lin G, Xiao L, Liang C, Wang M, Su F, Ferrandon D, Li Z李孜*. Positive Feedback Regulation between Transglutaminase 2 and Toll-Like Receptor 4 Signaling in Hepatic Stellate Cells Correlates with Liver Fibrosis Post Schistosoma japonicum Infection. Front Immunol. 2017 Dec 13;8:1808.
4) Lee KZ, Lestradet M, Socha C, Schirmeier S, Schmitz A, Spenlé C, Lefebvre O, Keime C, Yamba WM, Bou Aoun R, Liegeois S, Schwab Y, Simon-Assmann P, Dalle F, Ferrandon D*. Enterocyte Purge and Rapid Recovery Is a Resilience Reaction of the Gut Epithelium to Pore-Forming Toxin Attack. Cell Host & Microbe. 2016 Dec 14;20(6):716-730.
5) Ferrandon D. The complementary facets of epithelial host defenses in the genetic model organism Drosophila melanogaster: from resistance to resilience. Curr Opin Immunol. 2013 Feb;25(1):59-70.
6) Limmer, S., Haller, S., Drenkard, E., Lee, J., Yu, S., Kocks, C., Ausubel, F. M., Ferrandon, D*. Pseudomonas aeruginosa quorum-sensing regulator RhlR is required to neutralize the cellular immune response in a Drosophila melanogaster oral infection model. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. (USA), 2011; 108, 17378-17383.
7) Li Z, Xu X, Bai L, Chen W, Lin Y. EGFR-mediated tTG overexpression couples acquired TRAIL-resistance and migration involving c-FLIP and MMP9 in NSCLC cells. J Biol Chem. 2011 Jun 17;286(24):21164-72.
8) Cronin, S.J., Nehme, N.T., Limmer, S., Liegeois, S., Pospisilik, J.A., Schramek, D., Leibbrandt, A., Simoes Rde, M., Gruber, S., Puc, U., Ebersberger, I., Zoranovic, T., Neely, G.G., von Haeseler, A., Ferrandon, D.*, and Penninger, J.M. Genome-wide RNAi screen identifies genes involved in intestinal pathogenic bacterial infection. Science, 2009; 325, 340-343.
课题组成员 :
肖林卓(2016级) 刘淑艳(2017级)陈岚 (2018级)陈侃垚(2019级)
黄思婷(2018级) 武楠楠(2018级)